
The Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 sets out an audit framework for local public authorities which are covered by the Audit Commission regime.

This enables local electors and ratepayers to access relevant information about the authorities’ accounts and governance.

As an authority with income and expenditure exceeding £25,000 Uley PC must ensure that an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (Parts 1, 2 and 3) is completed and posted on its website before by the end of June each year.  The latest and previous years Returns are available below.

The data and information specified in the Government's Transparency Code [Transparency code for smaller authorities“] must be published on a website which is publicly accessible free of charge. Follow the links below to view the relevant information for the last complete financial year:


Grants approved for 2024  (1 April '24 - 31 March '25 budget)

Millennium Green £400

Prema £500

Cotswold Vale Talking Newspaper £150

Village Hall £1500

Dursley Good News £150

Uley Parochial Church Council – Churchyard upkeep - £700

Lantern festival  £500

Parish Council Accounts

Annual Governance & Accountability Returns

AGAR 2020-2021
AGAR 2021-2022
AGAR 2022-2023
AGAR 2023-2024
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