Uley Parish Council is an elected statutory body with a maximum of seven unpaid Councillors aided by a part-time, salaried Parish Clerk.
The cost of work undertaken by the Parish Council is met by raising a precept; this is money that Stroud District Council is requested to raise through Council Tax on behalf of the Parish Council. The precept is set annually by the Parish Council based on an estimate of expected expenditure.
The Parish Council works closely with Stroud District Council, Gloucestershire County Council, the Highways Authority and other agencies to organise routine work and to resolve issues that may arise.
Councillors and other volunteers share the responsibility of representing the Council in certain roles of concern to the parish. A list of role representatives is given here
The Parish Council is consulted on planning issues. All planning applications within the parish are considered by the Parish Council and its comments or recommendations are passed to Stroud District Council for consideration.
The Standing Orders that govern the conduct of meetings held by Uley Parish Council are given here: Uley PC Standing Orders.
Parish Council Meetings
Parish Council meetings are held every month to discuss issues and make decisions. The Council usually meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 19:00 in the Village Hall and these meetings are open to the public.
The agenda for each meeting is set a week in advance and electors’ requests for items to be addressed by the Council are considered for inclusion. Parishioners can raise issues for consideration by contacting the Parish Clerk.
Notices of meetings are posted on the notice boards at either end of the village and agendas and minutes are also published on this website.
The Parish Council holds one Annual Council Meeting per year for the purpose of electing the Chairman, Vice Chairman and other positions from amongst elected or co-opted Councillors; the agenda and minutes are published on this website.
Annual Parish Meeting
As required by law Uley Parish Council arranges an Annual Parish Meeting, which must take place between 1st March and the 1st June (inclusive). The event is not a formal Parish Council meeting but is facilitated by the Parish Council for the benefit of the community. The purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting is so that the Parish Council can report and explain what it has been doing over the previous year and it enables the electors to have their say on anything they consider is important to the people of the Parish. Speakers may also be invited to talk on subjects of interest.
The Annual Parish Meeting is not a Meeting of the Parish Council but is a public meeting for all the electors of the Parish. Anyone may attend but only registered electors of the Parish may vote. The meeting is an opportunity to discuss ‘parish affairs’.
The Chairman of the Parish Council will chair the meeting. If the Chair is not able to attend, then the Vice Chairman will do so, if they are not present, the meeting will elect a chairperson from amongst those electors present.
Parish Councillors will attend and speak if need be, but the purpose of the meeting is to enable the ordinary electors to have their say. Councillors will listen with interest, as electors themselves, and also have the opportunity to raise questions and make comments if they wish.
A written record of the meeting will be taken and will be presented at a future meeting of the Parish Council for their consideration. The record will also be posted on this website and the public noticeboards.
Register of Interests
In accordance with Government guidance on transparency in local authorities every parish councillor completes a Register of Interests.
Uley Parish Council is opposed to discrimination in any form and at all levels and is committed to take all steps within its power to counteract it. We wish to create an environment where all forms of discriminatory or oppressive behaviour are unacceptable and to provide community leadership in promoting tolerance, understanding and respect. Please note that the Parish Council proceedings may be filmed or recorded.